Programming Lego Mindstorms with Java...
by Dario Laverde et. al. (Syngress Media)
Description: ...with CD-ROM
From Syngress:
The LEGO Mindstorms Robotics Invention System has been called "the most creative play system ever developed." This book unleashes the full power of the RCX and the tools, bricks, and components that make up LEGO Mindstorms. Programming LEGO Mindstorms with Java is as much about robotics programming as it is about Java programming.
This book is for all levels of Mindstorms users, from hobbyists to the serious Mindstorms aficionados. This book is also appropriate for a variety of programming levels; those with only a modicum of Java knowledge as well as those at an advanced level will find much to learn within these pages. You will cover all the basics of programming the RCX, beginning with the introduction of the available Java APIs used to communicate remotely to the RCX using its default firmware, all the way through the advanced topics of embedded programming using a custom Java Virtual Machine (JVM).
- 464 pages
- 1st edition (May 2002)
- CD-ROM included
- Written by Dario Laverde, Giulio Ferrari, Jurgen Stuber
CD-ROM Includes:
- The latest versions of leJOS for Windows and Unix
- Simlink, a PC-based visual emulator for leJOS
- RCXJava API, a platform independent Java library used to develop RCX applications
- RCXPort, a Java interface created for users to interact with a LEGO Mindstorm RCX from a Java Virtual Machine
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